Spring Investors Update Event Recap - Henderson County Partnership for Economic Development

Spring Investors Update Event Recap

May 23, 2024

The Partnership held its regular Spring Investors Update event on April 9th at Sierra Nevada – featuring a discussion about electric vehicles, artificial intelligence, and professional & technical services in our county. The Partnership offers two Investor Update Events per year for the organization’s top level investors. 

Crystal Morphis, Founder and CEO of Creative Economic Development Consulting traveled west to talk to our audience about the new things coming into the economic development space; technology, ideas, and impacts. Prior to hearing from Crystal, attendees were encouraged to talk at their tables about what electric vehicles, automation, and professional services may mean to them or how any have impacted their business. Discussion was lively, followed by Brittany Brady moderating a conversation with Crystal. 

Electronic vehicle manufacturing has had a big boom, but consumerism hasn’t quite caught up, while AI has seen the consumer be a little more hesitant. Crystal emphasized the importance of figuring out how AI can help your business. Additionally, the conversation about professional and technical services brought about ideas about what traditional economic development looks like and how we could all adapt. Overall, Crystal’s perspective was this: change comes in waves. While we all catch up, or run into infrastructure challenges, or struggle to see the light at the end of the tunnel – change is good! Viewing these new spaces as opportunities for your business is a great long term goal. 

The event was hosted at Sierra Nevada Brewing with nearly 100 attendees. The Investors Update and all of the events that The Partnership hosts are possible because of our members and manufacturers! Keep on the lookout for our next event!