Month: February 2020

America’s Most Beautiful Industrial Park: Ferncliff

February 14, 2020

When you think of picturesque western NC, vast mountains sprinkled with shades of green and blue are as far as the eye can see. When you think of an industrial park, there’s typically a slightly different image that comes to mind. Here in Henderson County, we have combined the two to offer an industrial park more

It’s Year Two for the Made in Henderson County Manufacturing Apprenticeship Program

February 7, 2020

The Apprenticeship Program Launches This Spring for Graduating High School Seniors and Adults. HENDERSON COUNTY, N.C. (Feb. 7, 2020) – 2019 marked the first year of the Made in Henderson County Apprenticeship Program, where 21 Henderson County graduating seniors were accepted into the program. Through an ongoing partnership with Henderson County Public Schools (HCPS), Blue more