Another Thankful November

December 13, 2024

I love the month of November for so many reasons. It is the month I started here at the Partnership. It is the month I became a mom. It is the month we round out fall and look towards the Holidays. And a month traditionally steeped in gratitude.

This November is no different. While Helene gave us its worst, it didn’t take the best of us. In the midst of our own suffering and hurt, so many citizens have rolled up their sleeves to pull together and make recovery happen quicker than many could imagine. The resiliency and dedication of the people of Henderson County is truly something to be grateful for. While we certainly understand there is still devastation and we are not completely out of the woods, there is still an abundance of gratitude.  

We were supposed to celebrate The People of the Partnership last month for our annual event. All the wonderful folks who make Henderson County truly spectacular. We had a beautiful evening planned, Instead, we spent the last month celebrating these wonderful people by watching the humility and leadership of our community; we are fortunate to be among the midst of some many wonderful people. 

We witnessed distribution centers pop up over night to feed our community, we saw neighbors breaking out chainsaws to make a way, we saw first responders, line men and vegetative crews take residence in our community to provide critical needs. It was when we were at our worst, our people continued to show their best. When the lights all came back on and the water successfully was flowing, it was impossible to not feel gratitude. 

And while we continue to grieve, we can also continue to be thankful. I have never been more proud of Henderson County and it’s people. And never been more grateful for the citizens and community leaders who helped us round the corner.

When corporate citizens come to town, we often praise the jobs and investment; but in the last month, we were also grateful for the industry that showed in ways we would have never dreamed. Our membership base stepping into spaces unimaginable. Thank you all for your support of our work, but most importantly the support of Henderson County.

We have so much to be thankful for and I am so thankful to play a small role in Henderson County. 

Forever grateful,

Brittany Brady 
President & CEO, HCPED