
Industrial Executives Forum: Recap and Next Steps

May 15, 2013

On April 18th the Henderson County Partnership for Economic Development hosted the 2013 Industrial Executives Forum. The Forum featured two discussion panels; the first focused on Retaining Top Talent & Attracting the Future Workforce, the second concentrated on Managing a Business in Transition. Over 115 industrial representatives, HCPED members and elected officials attended the meeting. more

All-States Medical Supply Hiring 50 Employees

May 3, 2013

All-States Medical Supply’s staff is more than doubling in size in the next two months to meet the demands of a recently awarded Medicare contract. Medicare just released their list of only eighteen contract suppliers who won the bids for the national mail-order program for diabetes supplies. These will be the only companies allowed to more

Industrial Executives Forum: Managing a Business in Transition

April 12, 2013

Many privately-owned businesses in the industrial sector will at some time be required to transition ownership. According to a business assessment published by the New York Times, the more ownership prepares, the more successful the outcome is likely to be when a company is sold. Today, business valuations are down, credit markets remain tight and more

Industrial Executives Forum: Retaining Top Talent and Attracting Future Workforce

April 4, 2013

Employee retention is top of mind across industry sectors.  According to Steve Racher, Plant Manager at BorgWarner, “Attracting the right people is essential to developing a great company, but implementing strategies to retain top talent is critical to staying competitive.”  The new normal for employment is just under five years. At that mark, workers often more

Prospering in 2013

April 2, 2013

Enhance business development skills for higher revenue. Connect to more potential customers. WNC conference assists local businesses and non-profit organizations to position themselves for growth in 2013. Tuesday, April 23rd Blue Ridge Community College, Flat Rock, NC 8:30-8:45 am    Welcome in Gala Room 8:45-9:45 am    Brand your Company to Improve Your Bottom Line  Phil Davis more

Industrial Executives Forum: Future Workforce

March 20, 2013

On April 19, 2012, HCPED hosted the 5th Industrial Executives Forum at Blue Ridge Community College. The discussion centered on future workforce development needs and how the community could address workforce concerns. The Forum brought two concerns to the surface: 1) a desire to elevate the visibility of manufacturing as a viable career path and more

Save the Date: 2013 Industrial Executives Forum

February 28, 2013

The Henderson County Partnership for Economic Development will host the 2013 Industrial Executives Forum on Thursday, April 18th at Blue Ridge Community College’s Technology, Education and Development Center. Registration and networking will begin at 8:30 am, and the program will conclude at 11:00 am. Pete Szelwach, Chair of the Existing Industry Committee, will kickoff this more

Investors Update Lunch Recap

January 28, 2013

The Henderson County Partnership for Economic Development hosted the inaugural Investors Update Lunch on Wednesday, January 23rd.  The event was introduced in the fall of 2012 as a new benefit of Presidential and Patron membership investment.  Over 50 investors gathered at the Hendersonville Country Club to hear from HCPED staff on “What You’re Investing In.” more