
Industry Profile: Wilsonart International

March 6, 2011

Since Wilsonart began producing laminate products in 1956, being a responsible member of the community has been woven into the company’s culture. In recent years, as the company’s manufacturing and distribution networks have expanded worldwide, the organization’s impact on the environment has become an increasingly important concern. According to plant manager Dennis Clark during a recent visit, “environmental stewardship is a part of Wilsonart’s culture, not just a one-time project. It is a business strategy which has reduced the company’s environmental impact while simultaneously improving the work environment for employees and reducing operational costs.” more

NC Green Business Fund Grants Open

February 24, 2011

The North Carolina Green Business Fund and the North Carolina Office of Science and Technology, a division of the state Department of Commerce, are currently seeking proposals from small for-profit businesses and nonprofit organizations for energy efficiency projects to reduce energy consumption, implement renewable energy measures and promote the use of building energy efficiency. Qualifying business must be based in North Carolina with fewer than 100 employees. This competitive funding opportunity will provide funding for projects that benefit NC-based small businesses by reducing their overall energy usage and implementing renewable energy measures. more

EFCA, Still Breathing?

January 26, 2011

About a year ago we wrote about the crippling impact that Healthcare Reform, Cap & Trade and the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) were having on a business’ ability to interpret what costs they might encounter and plan for. The uncertainty led to little business movement outside of layoffs and consolidations. As companies position for incremental employment growth and capital investments in machinery and equipment, the threat of EFCA spoiling North Carolina’s recovering economy still looms. more

2011 Industrial Executives Forum

January 25, 2011

The HCPED Industrial Executives Forum Planning Committee has lined up great speakers on three very different issues.  Clark Gillespy, Vice President of Economic Development, Business Development & Territorial Strategies with Duke Energy will present the utility’s planned merger with Progress Energy and the impact this may have on Henderson County.  Our second speaker will be more

Industry Profile: API South Inc.

January 21, 2011

Autronic Plastics (API) was founded in Westbury, New York in 1953 as a small yet advanced plastic molding company. In the mid-90’s Michael Lax President & CEO began evaluating the need to expand the company’s footprint to better capture the organization’s growing customer base. In 1997-1998 API Solutions initiated a thorough site selection process designed more

Looking Forward

January 7, 2011

In September of 2010, the HCPED asked 134 manufacturers five questions focused on developing a local perspective on what 2011 and 2012 might bring for our economy.  Forty-one complete responses contributed to the data below.  Click on thumbnails to zoom into the survey responses. more

Employers Who Hired in 2010 Could Qualify for HIRE Act Tax Exemption

December 30, 2010

There is no doubt that those who have been hired in the last year are considered fortunate. The HIRE Act can help to extend that fortune to qualifying employers as well. The Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment (HIRE) Act was put into place in March 2010. The intention was to motivate businesses to hire employees for new positions by offering tax incentives; not to mention creating employment for previously unemployed Americans. Businesses can take advantage of the 6.2% payroll incentive directly related to hiring employees and writing off investments in equipment. more

Clement Pappas: The Company behind Your Favorite Juice

Clement Pappas officially arrived in Henderson County in 2001, with the purchase of the former Northland Cranberries facility located in the Mountain Home Industrial Park. While the 220,000 square foot facility is largely hidden from highway traffic the average consumer likely encounters their product each and every time they visit the local supermarket. Since the company’s founding in 1942, Clement Pappas has established itself as the one of premier private label bottling companies in the world, bottling product for name brand labels as well as numerous private label brands found in many of the nation’s and most well known largest retailers. more

Wingate University Announces Hendersonville Campus

December 20, 2010

“Win-git” or “win-gate”, say it how you will, but Wingate University is coming to town. The University announced in August they would like to open a Western North Carolina campus in Henderson County and with support from the Henderson County Board of Commissioners and Hendersonville City Council, the plan is coming together. Working alongside the Partnership, Wingate narrowed its search to downtown Hendersonville locations, and announced the ‘Hendersonville Campus’ on December 20th. Wingate will occupy the two-story, 11,056 sf building located at 220 5th Avenue. more