Local sustainable manufacturer, Gaia Herbs, is growing roots while staying green in Henderson County with a $12.2M investment
July 18, 2018 Even in today’s economy, community supporters should still get excited about manufacturers choosing to grow in Henderson County. Even more so when that company brings both a benefit to the workforce coupled with a sustainable focus. All-natural products, like the ones Gaia Herbs produces, are changing the game. After receiving incentives from ...read more
Next Generation Network (NGN): Regional Broadband Survey
How does internet service impact your business? The Land of Sky Regional Council is conducting a West Next Generation Network (NGN) Broadband survey for all residents and businesses of Buncombe, Haywood, Henderson, Madison and Transylvania Counties, to develop a better understanding of broadband coverage in the region. Results will be used to develop infrastructure deployment ...read more
2018 Industrial Executives Forum Recap
With millennials now making up a third of the work force and the post-millennials (those born after 1996) now of working age, some industries and businesses are reaching out for new ways to retain these younger generations. On the morning of Wednesday, May 30th the Henderson County Partnership for Economic Development hosted the 2018 Industrial ...read more
Kimberly-Clark to Expand Production in Henderson County Nonwovens Plant
Kimberly-Clark Corporation has approved $30 million for expansion and improvements to its nonwovens manufacturing facility in Hendersonville, North Carolina. The plant produces nonwoven materials for Kimberly-Clark’s North American adult and feminine care brands including Depend, Poise and U by Kotex. The two-year project will focus on expanding the plant’s production capacity and efficiency, and is ...read more
2018 Industrial Executive Forum- RSVP Now!
We look forward to seeing many of you at the 2018 Industrial Executives Forum on Wednesday, May 30th from 8:00-11:30am at the Blue Ridge Conference Hall in the TED Center at Blue Ridge Community College. For those of you who have not RSVP’d, the forum’s key purpose is to provide the opportunity for leadership from ...read more
Blue Ridge Community College and Henderson County Partnership for Economic Development to Host Made in Henderson County Advanced Manufacturing Job Fair on Monday, April 30
Hendersonville, N.C. – Blue Ridge Community College and Henderson County Partnership for Economic Development will host the Made in Henderson County Advanced Manufacturing Job Fair on Monday, April 30 from 12:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the Blue Ridge Conference Hall, located at 49 East Campus Drive in Flat Rock. More than 30 manufacturing companies ...read more
The Partnership hosts first annual Made In Henderson County Career Readiness Workshop
Henderson County, NC: Juniors and Seniors from HCPS high schools participated in the Made in Henderson County Career Readiness Workshop yesterday at the Blue Ridge Community College’s Technology Educational & Development (TED) Center. The event was a combined effort between the Henderson County Partnership for Economic Development, Henderson County Public Schools, Blue Ridge Community College ...read more
JPS Presents “The New Tax Law: What Does It Mean For Your Business & You?”
What opportunities lie within the new tax law? Confused if you should conduct business the same? Johnson Price Sprinkle PA (JPS) accounting firm will provide presentations reviewing many important changes made in the new tax law, and, their implications. The presentation will be targeted to fiscal decision-makers (CEO, CFO, business owners, top-level management). RSVP & ...read more
We’re closed for the holidays!
The Partnership will be closed next week to celebrate the holidays and ring in the new year with our friends and families! We will reopen on Tuesday, January 2, 2018. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to all! ...read more
Kyocera’s Fine Ceramic Group Expands in Henderson County
November 10, 2017 Hendersonville, NC – Kyocera International Inc’s Fine Ceramics Group (KII FC) recently expanded into the facility that formerly occupied by Kyocera Precision Tools, Inc (KPTI) located in Hendersonville, NC. In addition to their 175 current employees, they were able to hire 20 more employees impacted by the downsizing of the KPTI facility. ...read more